Saturday, December 30, 2017

Top Garden Cat Blog Posts of 2017

Looking back at 2017, we had a few posts that performed heads and whiskers above the others. There was a virtual tie for third place. Here are the top posts in reverse order:

3B. Sun Time

Constance Ann McAlpin's kitty, DottaOne, made a return appearance on our blog and proved himself a real king of all he surveys.

3A. Tommy Cat

Claudia Hosky contributed a picture of this former street-cat from the United Arab Emirates and many of you fell in love with the little grifter.

2. Fling Felines

The Garden Blogger Fling hosts and attendees were a cat-loving bunch and they made this post of representational cats in gardens the cat's meow.

1. And the Oscar goes to...

Patrick Dolan of One Yard Revolution shared his garden video channel and his ham of a cat, Oscar, stole the show!

What were your favorite Cats in Gardens posts of 2017?


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