Saturday, May 14, 2022

Kitties Can't Read the Rules


A fellow member of the Fenton Community Garden, Tina Joy, shared this adorable fellow's photo to our online Buy Nothing group on Facebook trying to find his owner. Luckily, they ere located shortly after and it turns out they live just a few doors down from the garden.

The community garden rules state that "no pets are allowed," but clearly this young kitty cannot read and the warm wood chips path are a lovely place to take a nap. The rule is mainly aimed at folks who would like to take their dogs to hang out with them there and we all know dogs doing their thing there can quickly make things unpleasant and unsanitary.

We do have some other neighboring cats that frequent the garden. These are feral strays that live at the nearby car repair shops. This little colony is all TNR and helps to keep down the rodent population in the industrial area and adjacent park property. These working cats may give this kitty quite an education if he is again permitted outdoors! I hope this cute visitor's owners keep a close eye on him.


  1. Such a cute little one. Reminds me of my late cat Belsha. By the way, have you ever wanted to understand your cat? And respond back? The truth is you and I could understand what our cats are trying to say if we only listened and interpreted. And both are quite easy to do. The guide described on this site will teach you the essentials of cat communication to open your ears (and your heart) into the fascinating world of feline communication, both verbal and nonverbal. It's like the missing link that allows you to bond with your own feline friend as if he was a human child.

    1. Thanks for sharing, Sam, I'll check out the link.
