Saturday, May 25, 2024

Plant Lady is the NEW Cat Lady?

Scrolling through Amazon one night, I came across this "Plant Lady is the NEW Cat Lady" T-shirt design (see*). This gave me pause, as I'm both -- as are many of us! I get the joke --  a play on the crazy cat lady stereotype - but I've been a "crazy plant lady" for as long as I've been a cat person. So I went searching and, sure enough, there IS a "Crazy Cat and Plant Lady" shirt (see*). Whoo-hoo! added that my wish list cart just now.

Amd while you are in the shirt-ordering mood, we previously shared this design perfect for Cats in Gardens lovers: "I Just Want To Work In My Garden And Hangout With Cats" (see

*These are Amazon affiliate links. We may earn a few pennies if you click on it, but it will not affect the price you pay for products there.  BTW, the shirts come in several color choices.