Saturday, February 27, 2016

Back-in-the-day with Behnke Cats

Stephanie Fleming of Behnke Nurseries in Beltsville, MD, shared these vintage photos of cats at her family-owned garden center. She wrote, "All of these were with Albert and Rose Behnke's children on the Beltsville, MD, property. Most of where they are standing is around is where the garden shop is located today"

If any of you know the Route 1 area near the University of Maryland, you will be amazed at the changes and development happening there now. These cats and kids speak to a simpler time.


  1. the children in these photos are Roland Behnke, Sonja Behnke and William Behnke back in the late 30's early 40's ~ Stephanie

  2. It's nice to see children being so affectionate toward cats.
