Saturday, May 16, 2020

Dexter the Garden Answer Cat

I have featured social media cat stars before, but most of them were famous cats first, with the gardening connection being secondary. This cat was part of a famous online gardening family and became recognizable online as "the garden cat."

He was owned by Laura LeBoutillier, and her husband Aaron, of Ontario, Oregon, who are known to many as "Garden Answer" and you have likely watched some of Laura's how-to videos on Youtube or Facebook.

Here is what she had to say about Dexter, "Dexter is just the best cat! He showed up at our house about a week or two before we moved in. He's super-friendly and took to us quickly (the feeling was and is mutual). We never try to stage him in videos - he just seems to always wander in (he follows us all around the yard - even if we go on walks)."

Dexter passed away in 2017. Here is his farewell video. Laura and Aaron now have a "new" orange cat, Russell. You can meet Russell in this video.

Photos are courtesy of Spring Meadow Nursery.

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