Saturday, July 27, 2019

Next Stop: Sleepytown

Fellow garden writer Louise D. Clarke, who works at the Morris Arboretum in Philadelphiam PA, shared this photo:  "Ayame, a female cat, belongs to Sara Leighton, who lives in Newark, DE. While Sara is away, Ayame is staying with me in Media, PA. Ayame is at least 10 years old and is pictured in my home garden under the shade of crape myrtles. She has an automatic feeder and is very good at telling time. She also likes high places to perch."

I did some side research and found that "Ayame" is a popular female name in Japan and the name of a trains service there. The association between cats and trains is a common one world-wide -- from Chessie  here in the Mid-Atlantic USA to Felix in the UK to Shawarma in Israel. All aboard!