Saturday, July 4, 2020

Jackie: Queen of the Compost

Gabrielle Dandy-Horn,  a Certified Fine Gardening Professional, with Gardens Remembered, LLC in Gaithersburg, MD, shared pictures of her cat Sally. This week is Jackie's turn -- Sally's sister.

Gabrielle wrote:
"Jackie is our wonder kitty! She has always been a huntress, bringing us her victims - birds, mice, even a baby possum once! In 2018, she went missing for 5 days. She’d never been out overnight, and we posted signs in our neighborhood with a pic of her and description. She was always tiny, but at 17 years old she was also frail. She came back on her own, thank God, but with a broken back leg that was able to heal on its own, but very deformed. She’s managed quite nicely, and two years later still hops around outside or flops down on a comfy chair outside. Through the years her fur has increasingly changed in the mid-section. Through research and my vet’s knowledge, we found she has quite a bit of Rex in her – extremely soft curly fur."

Comfy Dirt Pile

Queen of the Compost

Jackie on her High Spot
Jackie on her High Spot


  1. That's our wonder kitty, Jackie!! How special to have a kitty to cuddle with for so many years!!
