Saturday, November 24, 2018

Garden Cats Come in All Sizes

Whether you are a tiny kitten or are the king of the jungle, the feline principle of “if it fits, I sits” reigns supreme.
   Maria Weinberg, zookeeper at Oaklawn Farm in Nova Scotia, Canada, said: “I was just going into the lion enclosure to give the lions some pumpkins to play with. As I was giving the other two lions their pumpkins I look back at Obi and saw he was sitting in the wheelbarrow. Hoping he would stay there long enough [so] I could get the pic, I let him sit there as long as he wanted, and after two or three minutes he jumped out and went and played with the pumpkins.”

For size comparison purposes, here are two other wheelbarrow garden cats we shared previously:

Saturday, November 17, 2018

The Allotment Cat

Robert the Allotment Cat is " a cat living on an allotment site (community garden) in Birmingham UK. My human does not understand cats. I am trying to help her."

He communicates through his Twitter account @AllotmentCat.

I contact his human, Betty, and she was happy to have me share Robert's photos with you all. Here are some of my favorites --

I love drinking from this thing. My human says it's for watering the plants but I don't care and anyway, the plants seem to be doing well on it so maybe it will do me good too. What do you think?

My human and some others sat around the table and talked. I thought it would be good if I helped so I lay down on top of some paper. My human said I will have to join the committee. What's a committee?

Apparently she doesn't know anything about cats. I don't believe her, she knows how to make me happy. She picked me up and I loved it so she does it every day now. I think I have trained her well. The last 18 months have been the best in my life.

I liked one of the humans a lot. I kept her company in the greenhouse, she told me I was her best boy and that I would be known as 'Robert' from now on. I was happy, I sat and looked at her so she could take a photo. She takes LOTS of photos.

I started to like being here. I went to the greenhouse every day. There was a human there who put food down for me when she saw me. Other humans came to see me and I began to feel really special.

Earlier this year I helped my human to grow lots of plants. I am careful and I don't squash them. I like gardening.

I think our allotments are special. The humans look after us cats (there are 7 of us living there) and we have lovely warm beds to sleep in and lots of food every day. I sometimes sleep in a greenhouse.

Saturday, November 10, 2018

Timmy Cat

I have been following @FloretFlower on Instagram just to get glimpses of this beautiful garden cat named Timmy. 

Here are a few of my favorites:

Saturday, November 3, 2018

Best Plants to Grow for Cats

Here is a new video by Sun Gro Horticulture on Best Plants to Grow for Cats featuring lots of gorgeous Garden Cats. Enjoy!